Getting Organized for the New Year…Ten Tips!
Out with the old...stuff that is! Make getting organized your #1 resolution this year. If you…
LoriJanuary 1, 2015
10 tips to Organize Your Closet
How stressed do you feel when entering your closet? By keeping your closet updated, streamlined…
LoriJuly 10, 2013
Get Organized: Your Secret Guide to Where To Start?
Do you often find yourself rummaging through your house looking for that one item you…
LoriApril 20, 2013
Spring Cleaning: Time to get motivated and Get Organized!
With summer right around the corner, spring is that time of year that people vow…
LoriMarch 20, 2013
Getting Organized with Binder Clips
As a professional organizer I regularly help clients purge through piles of clutter. When guiding…
LoriMarch 13, 2012